Everything is controlled and managed by museum collections software (CollectiveAccess), so every item gets an acquisition number and is documented correctly. I will soon be opening the collections catalogue for online public viewing with many high quality photographs, detailed descriptions and downloads of digital content.
I've put this project together to document a time gone by. When I was young I spent a lot of time in seaside and pier arcades and my "retro games room" started as an attempt to recreate these long gone places at home. Back in the 70's and 80's home consoles just couldn't provide an experience anywhere close to the arcades.
A few years back I decided to build a retro games room and I wanted the arcade games that I used to play in it. It's not a big room but it is now home to some great machines with the option to play literally thousands of games. This is my blog and documentation about the development of my this project. The room now includes: home consoles, arcade systems, board games, developer hardware and of course popcorn and candyfloss machines.
Space is at a premium so many of the arcade machines are capable of running more than one game. This doesn't mean MAME (except for one machine) but rather that I've chosen arcade systems that take cartridges or have built methods for switching the game boards.
Nothing in the room is new, that's kind of the point. The hardware is all old and requires looking after, sometimes things break and this blog also shares some of my experiences in restoring and maintaining these machines. As I develop new projects and new additions they will also be written up here. If you have any questions about the items in the room or anything else retro game related then feel free to get in touch.